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Speck Angoras sells Angora bucks and does at our ranch and at the annual Haby-Lockhart-Ross-Speck Angora Goat Production Sale (HLRS). Sales are in the summer.

As a general rule, we do not offer goats for sale at the Ranch until after the HLRS sale. Exceptions can be made for out of state buyers who cannot attend the sale. The HLRS sale is held in July and we offer approximately 50 yearling bucks, twenty yearling does and 5 partnership HLRS bucks with 100% South African genetics. Bucks and does from the Haby, Lockhart and Ross herds are also offered at the HLRS sale.

At the Ranch we have yearling Angora bucks that will suit either a registered Angora goat heard or a commercial Angora goat hers. There are "open-faced", big thrifty bucks for commercial herss and "fancier" stud-potential bucksfor the registered breeder. We encourage you to attend the annual Haby-Lockhart_Ross-Speck Goat Production Sale. We attempt to place what we consider the top end bucks (for both registered and commercial breeders) and does in that sale.

Top quality yearling Angora does are available at the ranch. We also occassionally sell older stud does that require extra care. Their genetics are wonderful but we have our "hands full" kidding 350 does.

Click HERE to see the goats that we have for immediate sale at the ranch.

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